

The proper functioning of a team is the basis for success and we at CANONADA know this very well. That's why we have long been involved in the creation of teambuilding activities. It is a great form of bonding, which can improve the relationship and communication between colleagues in an interesting way.

The essence of teambuilding is not only to build team spirit and encourage team members to work together through various activities, but also to analyse team processes, the forces at work in the team and the relationships between team members. The quality of the feedback, analysis, but also the openness and attitude of the participants is essential here.

A variety of methods can be used in this activity and the most commonly used ones can be divided as follows:

  • Familiarisation activities and "icebreakers". These consist of establishing an initial motivation and removing barriers.
  • Team-oriented problem-solving activities. These are directed more practically, towards the company's reality; the aim is to create a space for sharing opinions and encouraging individual team members.
  • Tasks that encourage creativity. These encourage new perspectives, originality, and allow you to leave the conventional view of a work problem.
  • Activities aimed at building trust. Here, the success of individual participants is conditioned by the necessary mutual help, or responsibility for each other.Relaxation, rest. Relaxation activities help the necessary relaxation and absorption of experiences.

We at CANONADA have great experience with teambuilding courses, based on which we will prepare it to meet your requirements and goals. We will also be happy to discuss your ideas with you, if necessary, by email, telephone or in a personal meeting